Tag: led

…because everything is better with LEDs!

This will be a quick one.

Coloured lights are a hint of heavenly glitter. They add awesomeness to everything.

Some examples:

  1. Robots (I have to list these first, sorry): PAL’s PMB2ValkyrieAMIGOIIT WALKMAN
  2. They transform pine trees into Christmas trees.
  3. They can make number display so that people on TV know how much is left for the bomb to explode.
  4. My coffee table to which I added a 12$ colour LED strip:

Clay skull figure with electronics inside! Part 1

You know I love simple electronics.

Unfortunately the biggest dilemma faced with these projects is about the case, at least for me. Seeing my girlfriend make very nice artistic clay figures I wondered how I could give them a little bit of life, alas the idea of embedding electronics emerged!

I included some LEDs, a potentiometer and a small pushbutton within this clay figure to make cool effects and to serve as an unusual control device for something.




  • air drying modelling clay
  • 2 orange LEDs
  • 1 mini pushbutton
  • 1 potentiometer (I got mine from the infinite servo post)
  • female pin header
  • scrap ethernet cable (available at your nearest System Administrator)

