Tag: usb

Building a Rover project day 7 – assembly 2

Since now we have the wifi working, continuing the effort of last time we finally got to do the next assembly step.

Mounting the BeagleBone on the rover.

It was no big deal.

4 screws to fix the BeagleBone onto the plastic board, some tape for a USB hub and some ideas to hide those way too long USB cables somewhere.

The camera is just for prank, we will have to think of a place to put it, and also a way to hide it’s cable.

Building a Rover project day 6 – wifi

Important note: This steps were validated on the following Angström version:


The difference between this and the previous tutorial is that in the new version of Angström they introduced a light-weight network manager daemon called connman. On one hand this makes things easier but on the other hand it renders all the old tutorials unusable.

To see how to get your hardware running with the BeagleBone read this tutorial:

Building a Rover project day 5 – info about your wifi hardware

This short article is describing how to set up a new wifi stick for the BeagleBone running the Angström linux distribution.

Plug your BeagleBone, connect to it and also plug the wifi stick.

Let’s see what do you have:

root@beaglebone:~# lsusb
Bus 001 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub
Bus 001 Device 002: ID 0ace:1211 ZyDAS 802.11bg
Bus 002 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub

Those 2 hexa numbers are already enough information to determine which driver to use with the stick.

They are called vendor and product id.

BeagleBone and USB Serial Converter

If you would like to extend the capabilities of your Beaglebone you can start by using a USB Serial Converter to reach simple serial devices from USB (hint: you can plug a USB hub on the Beaglebone and use several converter to multiply the serial ports).

I used a cheap converter available on ebay

The type is: cp2102 or more commonly found as cp210x. (image taken from the ebay vendor)
